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It is often said that the gifts that mothers cherish the most are the ones that you make yourself. Here are some ideas for inexpensive, home made. The most common traditional crafts include beaded projects, embroidered linen or pillows, wreathes created out of fresh blooms or heart shaped baked goods.

 However before you rush out to an arts and craft supply store make sure you have left yourself enough lead time to complete the project. Traditionally Mother's Day is always celebrated on the second Sunday of every May.

It is simple to make your mother a homemade necklace. Simply buy a cord and beads at a craft store and string a necklace. Try to choose beads that fit into her favorite color scheme.  You can also make your own beads by baking certain kinds of clay or dough in the oven.

One very special mother's day craft that is especially suited for moms who are love to garden is called A Sit-Upon. These are comfortable pieces of cloth that your mother can use to kneel upon while digging into the soil. To make your mother her own Sit-Upon simply cut a piece of flannel

Baby shower crafts are usually tied somehow to the theme of the party, which can be anything from storks to ducks to stars to teddy bears. Before deciding on what kind of baby shower crafts you would like to ask guests to bring to the party, decide on a theme and a color scheme for the event. If you are on a budget, at the very least decorate the party area with a banner that welcomes the mom.  Featuring her picture in a prominent place is also a complimentary and flattering practice that makes her feel loved and appreciated by her friends.

                 Baby shower crafts are well suited to beading projects. A unique way to identify guests at a party would be to create baby necklaces, similar to the kind that are worn by babies at the hospital. These kinds of beads, which have letters on them, can be purchased at a supply store. The idea is that the necklace boasts the name of the guest and is worn during the party. Baby beads can be purchased at most bead and craft supply stores. Sometimes you can also get beads that are shaped like small toy building blocks. These building

Featured How-To

Sewing is one of the most immediately useful crafts to learn. It can save the crafter money in household expenses and provide extra income from the production of marketable goods that can be manufactured and sold from home. It's also a very versatile skill that can meet a variety of needs to adapt to changes in circumstances and market opportunities. However, as with most skills, it takes practice to gain competency and comfort with the endeavor. New sewers can become frustrated if they expect too much from themselves too soon instead of enjoying a more relaxed, natural progression rate.

One potential hindrance to this practice phase can be cost of materials. While a sewing machine and other tools used are a one-time expense for the beginner to accommodate, materials are consumed with each use and cannot be easily restored or reused if mistakes are made. This can put a lot of pressure on the sewer to get things exactly right the first time to not lose what they've invested or even push themselves to achieve professional quality, marketable goods right from the start to be able to